The price you see on Amazon is what you pay (with sales tax and same shipping as Amazon charges). We don’t charge you any fee.
We make money through rebates from our vendors. This is why we don’t need to charge customers any fees. The price you would pay on Amazon is what you pay us but in crypto.
1. You make a list on Amazon.com
2.You share with us the link to the list
3. We calculate the total cost of the list
4. You pay us in USDT or USDC for the cost of the list
5. Through our arrangement with Amazon we pay Amazon and Amazon ships you your items on the list.
2.You share with us the link to the list
3. We calculate the total cost of the list
4. You pay us in USDT or USDC for the cost of the list
5. Through our arrangement with Amazon we pay Amazon and Amazon ships you your items on the list.
We provide you the same tracking and information as Amazon does.
Please contact our support team. We follow the same policies as Amazon (returns, replacements etc).
We follow the same policies as Amazon for each item. If Amazon accepts the item back so do we!
At this time we only accept USDT and USDC. We may in the future accept other crypto currencies or token, coins etc.
We follow the same shipping policies as Amazon. So if Amazon says 1 business day it’s 1 business day. If Amazon says 2 business days, it’s 2 business days, etc.
We follow the same return policies as amazon. We will gladly accept the return.
At this time we ship only where Amazon US ships items following the same shipping policies as Amazon.
Yes , we need to know where and to whom to ship your items, please.
Anything you can find on Amazon US website.
We believe crypto currencies where first created to be currencies. So we want to empower people to use crypto currencies as currencies aka to buy items.
We are a group of entrepreneurs based in New York city. We have built multiple companies, in the crypto space, finance, fintech, craft beer , augmented reality and more. We have a vision: “Allow anybody to buy goods with crypto currencies”.
You can trust us as much as you trust Amazon. No more, no less.
We don’t know how to answer this question.
We collect a small tiny percentage on each sale.
Not at this time. But maybe one day.
We lost money on a few crypto currencies. We made money on a few crypto currencies. Why are there more people trading crypto currencies then actually using them as money? We are here to change that!
1. Refer us to anybody else who want to use our services
2.We are hiring!
3. Tell us how you can help us. Write to us please.
2.We are hiring!
3. Tell us how you can help us. Write to us please.

How to make an Amazon List

How to copy list to Coinmart

How to checkout in Coinmart

How to pay in stable coin